EXALEAD Eclipse Plugin

Exalead Eclipse plugin is a tool to easily develop plugin for CloudView Mashup UI and Platform.

Exalead plugin installation

/!\ Please note that you need to have Eclipse Indigo 3.7 or higher to use this plugin /!\

  1. In Eclipse, select Help > Install New Software...
    The Available Software window appears.
Installation Tips
  1. In the Work with: field, enter the following url: http://eclipse.exalead.com
  2. Click Add.
    Fill the Name field and click OK.
  3. Select the checkbox on the left of Exalead Plugins for Eclipse 3.7.
  4. Click Next >.
    The Install Details view displays the packages to install.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. On the Selection needed dialog box, select the checkbox to accept the certificates and click OK.
  7. On the Software Updates dialog box, click Restart Now to restart Eclipse

Congratulations, the Exalead Eclipse development plugin is now ready to use!

Project creation

To create a project:

New project
New java project

Project properties

  1. From the toolbar, click the Exalead tools button and select CloudViewTM Core > Fetch libraries from instance.
Fetch libraries
  1. Select your project and your CloudView instance.
Fetch libraries Project and CV Instance definition
  1. Click Finish.

Note: The Fetch libraries feature is not compatible with CloudView dev instances.

Component generation

  1. In the Package Explorer panel, right-click the src folder.
  2. Select New > Other...
    OR press Ctrl + N.
  3. new component
  4. Expand:
    • CloudViewTM Core Components and select the type of component you want to create.
    • Component selection
    • OR CloudViewTM Mashup Components and select the type of component you want to create.
    • Mashup component selection
  5. Click Next > and proceed with the component creation.
  6. Click Finish.

Setting up CloudView instances

Select Window > Preferences > Exalead and click:

Note: To specify a Host, enter its name directly, do not precede it by http://

CloudView preferences

Setting up Mashup UI SDK

Set Window > Preferences > Exalead > CloudViewTM Mashup and click:

Mashup preferences

Plugin packaging

From the toolbar, use the Exalead Tools button to interact with your plugin.

Exalead tools buton

Mashup UI Options

From the toolbar, click the Exalead tools button and select CloudViewTM Mashup >

To package your plugin with classes and export it as a zip file on a selected path.

To package your plugin with classes that you want to export and deploy it automatically on the selected CloudView instance.

To list the deployed plugins for a selected CloudView instance.
You must then select the plugins you want to remove and click Finish.

To list the deployed plugins for a selected CloudView instance.
Then, you can retrieve plugins from the selected CloudView instance and deploy it on another one (locally or remotely).

To retrieve dependencies from a running CloudView instance, set classpath and javadoc locations.

To create a new Mashup-UI Eclipse project using a specific Mashup-UI SDK, previously defined in Window > Preferences > Exalead > CloudView Mashup, and link it to a CloudView instance.
When the Mashup-UI Eclipse project is created, you can right-click it in the Package Explorer panel, to access CloudView Mashup contextual options.
For example, to develop custom widgets, you can access the Widgets and the Tag libraries documentations.
You can also link your Mashup UI SDK to another CloudView instance using the Generate development configuration option.

Platform Options

From the toolbar, click the Exalead tools button and select CloudViewTM Core >

To package your plugin with classes and export it as a zip file on a selected path.

To package your plugin with classes that you want to export and deploy it automatically on the selected CloudView instance.

To list the deployed plugins for a selected CloudView instance.
You must then select the plugins you want to remove and click Finish.

To retrieve dependencies from a running CloudView instance, set classpath and javadoc locations.

Debugging a connector

CAUTION: The debugging functionality presented here applies to V6R2014.SP1 or higher.

The Eclipse Plugin allows you to debug the code of custom* connectors on-the-fly (* not included in the Administration Console Help > About > Built-in plugins list).
Once a custom connector contained in an Eclipse project is deployed on a CloudView instance, you no longer need to redeploy it each time you change its source code.

How it works?

Activating the connector debugging functionality in Eclipse creates an RScan (RemoteScan) built-in connector in the Administration Console.
This new connector acts as an RScan client that sends scan orders to the RScan server. The RScan server sources are located in the datainteg-java-commons JAR file, and retrieved by the Eclipse plugin when you launch a Fetch libraries from instance action. Each debug session has its own RScan server, running on the port specified in the debug configuration parameters.
In the end, when you launch any type of scan operation from the Administration Console, the order is sent to the RScan server which launches the scan of your source connector in Eclipse.

Link the Custom Connector to a CloudView Instance

  1. From Eclipse, deploy your connector on a CloudView instance:
    1. Right-click the project containing the classes of your custom connector, and select CloudView Core > Deploy on instance.
    2. Select the CloudView instance, give a name to the plugin that will be generated (for example, myconnector) and click Finish.
  2. Add a new instance of your custom connector in the Administration Console.
    1. Go to Plugins and click Refresh.
      The myconnector plugin is added to the list.
    2. Go to Connectors and add an instance of your custom connector. For example, add a new connector called myconnector1 of type MyConnectorType.

Configure the Debug tool

  1. In Eclipse, select Run > Debug Configurations...
  2. Right-click CloudView connector and select New.
  3. Configure the Proxy parameters as follows:
    1. Select the Eclipse project on which you want to work on
    2. Choose the Connector class you want to debug. For example, com.exalead.papi.connector.Myconnector
    3. Select the CloudView instance
    4. Select the connector name previously defined in the Administration Console, for example myconnector1.
    5. Enter the name of the debug connector that will be added to you CloudView instance, for example eclipse-debug
    6. Connector debug configuration
    7. Click Debug
  4. If you go back to the Administration Console, you'll notice that the eclipse-debug connector has been added to the list of connectors.

    You can now take advantage of the Eclipse debugger. For example, you can use a checkpoint at the beginning of your connector Connector#scan method, to scan the code from step to step.